Posts in Category: Wildlife

The Journey

38juneauphoto1.com_FullResNIKON D4 (19mm, f/10, 1/1.3 sec, ISO100)
Salmon Creek is home to thousands upon thousands of fish, all on their last leg of the trip back. Sitting to watch the stream, I am reminded that you never see the same scene twice. (Hat tip to Heraclitus for the gist of my reminder.)

Hitching a Ride

Sitka Blacktailed Deer pauses (with a spider hanging from her eyelash) from morning foraging. Near Auke Bay, Juneau, AK.

Climbing High

North American Porcupine climbing in a young Sitka Spruce tree. Out the Road, Juneau, AK.

Weary or Wary

02juneauphoto1.com_FullResNIKON D4 (400mm, f/5, 1/1000 sec, ISO400)
In early spring, I ventured across this fellow. His coat is worn and matted, but he remained alert of the camera (and the guy carrying it.)

Flying Free

An American Bald Eagle in flight at sunrise. Near Amalga Harbor, Juneau, AK.

Breakfast Greens

NIKON Z 6 (85mm, f/1.4, 1/2500 sec, ISO640)


NIKON D4S (300mm, f/2.8, 1/320 sec, ISO125)
An aged humpback whale dives between breaths. Lynn Canal, Juneau, AK.

Watchful Eye

41juneauphoto1.com_FullResNIKON D4 (300mm, f/2.8, 1/320 sec, ISO220)


A rare sighting of a wild coyote in autumn foliage. Juneau, AK.

Full Alert

DSC_6422NIKON D4 (300mm, f/2.8, 1/1000 sec, ISO1600)